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Showing posts from November, 2016


PART ONE: due date end of period March 18 create your BLOG Steps: PART TWO:   Due date, end of class, March 25  Analysis of a meme - Search on the Internet. All answers to questions in go into your blog in a new post entitled Meme analysis. Define: In your own words, what is a meme?  A nswer the following questions: 1} What qualities must a successful meme (i.e., repeatedly shared) have? Why does something go viral on the Internet? Must a meme have words? Must it be from a photograph?  TO DO: 2} Find two memes that you like, that you have shared on social media, or find otherwise meaningful. Please post both in your BLOG with the answers to the below questions. Please be sure that the content and images are appropriate and respectful. ALSO Answer the following: (pertaining to the two memes you chose to analyze) 3} Why do you find this significant? Why do you like it? Why do you think it works? Next class, you will...



Guidelines for Facebook Banner We are making banners for the AVH Facebook Page. These will be rotated and you will be given credit for your work. CRITERIA: Photos must be taken by you around  the school. You must merge 3 or more photos. You must add text. The photos must be in focus, well-lit, and tell outsiders something positive about the school - after all, it's our public face. Use Photoshop, Krita or GIMP software. Post Banner on your BLOG, Email me a full-size copy (glickman@avh.montreal.qc. ca) and or/ via sharepoint Marking schema - no/poor/satisfactory/very good/excellent Three or more photos taken by the student. Banner respects proportions dictated by  Facebook Photos organized in a pleasing way, with impact Banner sends a message to viewer about AVH Text is appropriate to image Photoshopping done to blur edges of photos  together. HELPFUL TOOLS: Facebook cover image measurements = 851 pixels w...