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How to make your BLOG

Make sure that your blog is functioning by the end of the day. To verify, ask a friend to look at it on their device with the address you have chosen. If they cannot see it, you have either made it private, have not published it, or have the wrong URL entered.

Send the link to your blog to

To create your blog, go into your google account. If you do not have one, set one up with a gmail account. Then click on the icon of little squares on the top of your page. There is a drop down menu. If you do not see the orange and white B for blogger symbol, click on “more”, and you will see it.

2) Choose the link « new blog ». Choose a title, which can be long and have special symbols if you'd like (for example, I chose NSA Media). The address and title can be different. The address cannot have any special characters or symbols. I suggest you keep it short and sweet.There is an arrow at the right that will tell you if the address you chose is in fact available or taken. Please choose something using appropriate language for use at school. Please do not put your real name nor any identifying features that would lead someone to you here at AVH or your home. Do not pretend to be someone else. You may use an AVATAR and a PSUEDONYM.

3) You can choose a theme or create a custom, personalized look for your blog. I do like to see creativity, but it will not count towards marks. However, I will count user-friendliness as a requirement. That means, the viewer must be able to toggle, scroll, find things, read the text, etc.

4) All future assignments will be submitted VIA your blog unless otherwise designated.

5) Your blog address will be shared with the outside world from time to time; so make sure AVH, your Mom and Dad will be proud of what they read & see.

6) Below is an example of the rubric used for written reflections. We will be doing one for each project. Each time, you will do two, submitted VIA BLOG, one about your own project, posted on your own blog, and one on a classmate’s project, posted on their blog. If you have worked with a partner you must choose someone you did not work with, so for example, the AD campaign, which will be submitted VIA Blog, you will write about another teams’ AD campaign, as well as writing about your own.

Written reflection:

Not done
Incomplete lacked thoughtfulness, or undeveloped.
Reflection clear and complete, satisfactory
Reflection is insightful, thought-provoking, uses appropriate vocabulary, and shows thoughtfulness.   /1

Written feedback: classmate’s work    
Not done
Incomplete lacked thoughtfulness, or undeveloped.
Reflection is insightful, thought-provoking, uses appropriate vocabulary, and shows thoughtfulness. /1


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